( tap on card to read more )
( hover on card to read more )
Community site for Rav Dror of Emunah. Hooks into youtube, twitter and soundcloud apis to bring all content to one place.
Ticketing event site for California marijuana conventions. The first project where I incorporate lots of CSS Grid. I also hooked up 'Nodemailer' as part of user validation flow.
Company page for local Israeli towing service. First multilingual app. I conditonally render rtl or ltr content based on browser language.
Company landing for Web Dev Studio. Responsive design integrating the ParticlesJS library.
Small Matching game done for Language Fountain. I wrote animations for slider on top of ng-animate and synced up audio callbacks from a single audio file using start/stop times.
Small Angular4 project I made for an interview assignment and had a lot of fun with. My first interaction with 'observables', needed to broadcast changes live across parallel components.
Small project incorporating the A* pathfinding algorithm into an angularjs UI. The task was an interview assignment, given without proposing an algorithm. I elected to use the A* algorithm over breadth-first-search (BFS) because there is a heuristic of direction that makes it more efficient.
My final project from coding bootcamp, assigned by IBM. I used D3 to visualize seasonal weather data and correlate it with fan sales for a fictional company. Turns out people don't buy fans in the winter :).